4.1. Company Details

Ensure the account details section is completed before adding Matterport Spaces and users to the administration portal.

Company Name

Enter the name of the organisation in this field as it should be recognised publicly. The company name is used in automated email notifications primarily but also in other customer touchpoints.

Billing Email

It is the email address the organisation receives invoices and billing information to from Paddle, AgentRelay's payment partner. Please note that this email address cannot be changed once added.

Privacy Notice Link

AgentRelay customers have the option to enter a link to their online privacy notice. If this has been added, a link to the privacy notice will appear below any forms in AgentRelay that collect personal information from visitors.

The logo will be visible within Agent-Accompanied Virtual Viewings and other visitor touchpoints including Matterport Virtual Tours, so ensure a high-definition company logo is uploaded.

Default Language

Choose the default language for users in your organisation. Users can modify their own system language as explained in Section 3.4.

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