9.1 Join A Virtual Viewing
Joining for Guests
A guest can join an Agent-Accompanied Virtual Viewing at the scheduled time by clicking the link in the email notification they receive from the agents.
If the agent has not yet joined the call the guest is asked to wait in the Waiting Room (Figure 13).
If the company has enabled recording for its viewings, guests will be asked to tick a checkbox giving their consent to those viewings being recorded (see figure 14 below).
Joining for the Agent
The agent joins the viewing by clicking the green Join button next to the scheduled viewing of the relevant property. The agent will see a pink ‘guests waiting’ label against the viewing if guests are already in the waiting room and will also receive an email advising of any guests waiting to join a viewing.
Once the agent joins, the guest will be prompted with a Join Viewing button which will be accompanied by a sound notification. The agent can join any viewing where the start date is today and can also join a viewing either before or after its stated start time, or after its stated end time.
Joining with video
The option to join with video is available for agents in both Private and Open House Viewing mode and for guests in Private Viewing mode. Both agents and guests can choose their preferred camera from the Join Call pop-up before the start of the virtual viewing. AgentRelay will pre-select their default camera.
Joining with audio
The option to join with audio either on or off is available for both agents and guests in both Private and Open House Viewing mode. Both agents and guests can choose their preferred microphone from the Join Call pop-up before the start of the virtual viewing. The default setting for both agents and guests is to join the viewing with default audio set to on. This can be adjusted to join with audio set to off by selecting the No Microphone option.
Joining without audio and video
A blue button called Join without audio and video on the Join Call pop-up can be clicked to join without audio and video if this option is required.
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